Bushfield Road Infant School



School Uniform

  • Grey/black skirt/trousers/shorts
  • Red sweatshirts/cardigan
  • White polo t-shirt/shirt/blouse
  • Red & white summer gingham dress
  • Black shoes/boots with velcro or zips (laces only if they can tie independently)

P.E. kit

  • Black shorts
  • White t-shirt/polo shirt
  • Plimsolls/trainers

Please find below a price list for all our branded items available to purchase from the school office.

  • Sweatshirt £11.00
  • Cardigan £12.50
  • PE Bag £4.50
  • Book bag £6.00

A book bag will be provided free of charge on entry to our Reception Classes. Any replacements after that will be charged for.
Unbranded items can be purchased from many supermarkets and retail suppliers.

  • All items must be labelled clearly.
  • No jewellery (except stud earrings) must be worn.
  • Stud earrings must be taken out on P.E. days (or provide plasters to cover them up).
  • Tattoo transfers and nail polish are not suitable for school.

Free School Uniform

We have a small stock of good quality pre-loved uniform available in school. There are containers in the foyer with school uniform items which are free for you to come and take. If you have any concerns or questions about this, please speak to the school office.

Uniform Policy 2022