Whole School Development 2023/2024
The school development plan is currently under review.
Last year our whole school priorities were:-
- Area of Development: Quality of Education - Curriculum
To maintain an ambitious and cohesive curriculum across all subjects with a progression of precise knowledge and skills. - Area of Development: Quality of Education - EYFS
To establish an ambitious and cohesive Early Years curriculum across all areas of learning so that children are ready for the next stage of their education based on their starting points.
To develop the EYFS provision and create an environment that supports the intent of an ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced curriculum. - Area of Development: Leadership and Management
To develop middle leaders to ensure they monitor their subject area effectively, ensuring whole school improvement and positive impact on pupil progress.
Subject Leads to secure accountability for their curriculum area.
To ensure Governors receive regular and detailed information relating to the curriculum to ensure that they are well equipped to challenge leaders on the quality of education.