Bushfield Road Infant School

Our Nursery

Applying for a place at Bushfield Road Nursery

If you would like to enrol your child at Bushfield Road Nursery you need to register your interest with us by contacting the main school office. You are welcome to telephone or call in to the office to leave your details. Please find our address, location and telephone number in the contact details section of this website.

When should I apply for a Nursery place?

You can apply for a Nursery place at Bushfield Road Nursery whenever you want to. Most people register their interest when their child is between two and three years old.

If my child gets a place how old will they be when they start Nursery?

At Bushfield Nursery, children will usually start in the September of the academic year in which they become 4 years old. This means that some children will be almost 4 years old whilst others who have birthdays in July/August will be just 3 years old.

The Application Process

  • The application process begins in March when parents can let the school know what hours they would like.
  • Places are confirmed just after the Easter holidays.
  • Nursery staff complete home visits in early July.
  • New starters are invited to a stay and play session with their parents in July.
  • Children begin Nursery in September after the Summer holidays.

If you would like to apply for a place at our Nursery or would like more information about the application process then please contact the school and ask to speak to Mrs Pogson on 842829.

For more information on 30 hours eligibility, please see the website: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

Click here to view information for new parents >

Click here to download our Admissions Policy >